quarta-feira, 2 de março de 2011

Supreme Destiny / With Your Destiny [7]

Continuing …
Nature BM

The Nature Beast Master is the DPS BM. Your principal attack is the basic attack. Most part of the time you will be in nature form. Your second principal skill will be summons, because when you attack your animals will attack too.


-          High attack damage
-          Good defense
-          Good HP (hit points)
-          High attack speed


-          Low magic attack
-          Low MP (mana points)

Status points:

Str:  7 – Used to equip the armors and weapons.
Int: 250 – Increases skill damage and MP
Dex: Maximize – Used to increases attack rate to weapons.
Con: 800 - 1500 – Increases HP

Skills Points:

Weapon Mastery: Maximize third
Elemental: Maximize fourth
Summon: Maximize second
Nature: Maximize on first


Get armor, helmet, legs and gloves with additional attack and defense, boots with increasing skill and defense. The weapon should be dual weapon or weapon and shield with extra damage.

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