quarta-feira, 2 de março de 2011

Supreme Destiny / With Your Destiny [7]

Continuing …
Nature BM

The Nature Beast Master is the DPS BM. Your principal attack is the basic attack. Most part of the time you will be in nature form. Your second principal skill will be summons, because when you attack your animals will attack too.


-          High attack damage
-          Good defense
-          Good HP (hit points)
-          High attack speed


-          Low magic attack
-          Low MP (mana points)

Status points:

Str:  7 – Used to equip the armors and weapons.
Int: 250 – Increases skill damage and MP
Dex: Maximize – Used to increases attack rate to weapons.
Con: 800 - 1500 – Increases HP

Skills Points:

Weapon Mastery: Maximize third
Elemental: Maximize fourth
Summon: Maximize second
Nature: Maximize on first


Get armor, helmet, legs and gloves with additional attack and defense, boots with increasing skill and defense. The weapon should be dual weapon or weapon and shield with extra damage.

terça-feira, 1 de março de 2011

Supreme Destiny / With Your Destiny [6]

Continuing …

Summon BM

The Summon Beast Master is a little bit boring to play. You can choose what type of attack you want, magic or the basic. He use the summons to tank and inflict damage on the monster.


-          Medium magic attack damage
-          Medium attack damage
-          Good defense
-          High MP (mana points)
-          Medium HP (hit points)
-          High attack speed


-     There isn’t any quality that stands out

Status points:

Str:  Optional – Used to equip the armors and weapons.
Int: + 2000 – Increases skill damage and MP
Dex: Optional – Used to increases attack rate to weapons.
Con: 800 - 1000 – Increases HP

Skills Points:

Weapon Mastery: Maximize optional
Elemental: Maximize optional
Summon: Maximize on first
Nature: Maximize optional

Get armor, helmet, legs and gloves with additional magic attack or attack and defense, boots with increasing skill and defense. The weapon should be lance, dual weapon or weapon and shield with extra damage or magic damage.

Supreme Destiny / With Your Destiny [5]

Continuing …

Beast Master

Beast master is like a druid, he can turn himself into half-animals, summons animals, and use elements to attack his enemies. Beast master in a funny class to play because it haves three quite different builds: Elemental BM, Summon BM and Nature BM.

Elemental BM

The Elemental Beast Master is funny to play, but he has few skills of damage. Your second principal type of skills will be summons, and you should most part of the time be using the skill Werebear, because he increases HP and defense.


-          High magic attack damage
-          Good defense
-          High MP (mana points)


-          Low HP (hit points)
-          Low attack damage

Status points:

Str:  260– Used to equip the armors and weapons.
Int: Maximize – Increases skill damage and MP
Dex: 7 – Used to increases attack rate to weapons.
Con: 800 - 1200 – Increases HP

Skills Points:

Weapon Mastery: Maximize fourth
Elemental: Maximize on first
Summon: Maximize second
Nature: Maximize third


Get armor, helmet, legs and gloves with additional magic attack and defense, boots with increasing skill and defense. The weapon should be lance.

segunda-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2011

Supreme Destiny / With Your Destiny [4]

Continuing the posts…


Let’s talk about the class Hunter, the simplest class to play IMO, because most part of the skill is to buff yourself. The principal attack is the simple phisical attack. The buffs increase chance of drop items, attack, and chance of critical attacks, among others. There is one recomended build for Hunters:

Typical Hunter


- High attack damage

- Good HP (hit points)

- High attack speed


- Low MP (mana points)

- Low magic attack

Status points:

Str: 200– Used to equip the armors and weapons.

Int: 100 – Increases skill damage and MP

Dex: Maximize – Used to increases attack rate to weapons and damage.

Con: 800 - 1000 – Increases HP

Skills Points:

Weapon Mastery: Maximize fourth

Survival: Maximize on first

Trade: Maximize second

Capture: Maximize third


Get armor, helmet, legs and gloves with additional attack and defense, boots with increasing skill and attack. The weapon could be bows or dual with extra attack.

Supreme Destiny / With Your Destiny [3]


DPS Transknight

The DPS Transknight is funny to play from the beginning until the end. His attacks are good since the beginning. The DPS Transknight is the best type of Transknight IMO.


- High attack damage

- Good HP (hit points)


- Low MP (mana points)

- Low magic attack damage

Status points:

Str: Maximize– Used to equip the armors, weapons and damage.

Int: 5 – Increases skill damage and MP

Dex: 500 - 800 – Used to increases attack rate to weapons

Con: 1000 - 2000 – Increases HP

Skills Points:

Weapon Mastery: Maximize third

Faith: Maximize second

Trans: Maximize first

Magic Weapon: Maximize on fourth


Get armor, helmet, Legs and gloves with additional attack and defense, boots with increasing skill and attack. The weapon could be axes, dual weapons or one weapon and shield with extra attack.

Diablo II LoD - Firewall Sorceress

While we wait Blizzard's Diablo 3, lets have a look on one of my favorites Diablo 2 LoD Build: the Firewall Sorceress. This build may not be the best in PVP, or the easiest to play with, but I can assure you it's a really funny one (I myself used to get bored with some Diablo's build to the point where I ended up giving up playing in the Normal Difficulty, with zero game overs. Not with this one).

(4k dmg/sec in a unfinished earlys Nightmare build, not bad hã?)

This is a build to solo game, based on the Firewall Spell combined with another low synergy Spell of another Element to face the Fire Immune ones that comes later (i chosed ThunderStorm, but FrosenOrb is the most common).

As you may see I wans't using any "super-equipments", that's just a fun char looking for a fun time in a search to kill the Lord of the Evil himself and his two brothers.
I focused my status in vitality (+ life to compensate my low def, and + stamina to run indefinitely), but in the Difficulty level Normal you may want to spend some of them in Energy, since the Firewall Spell needs a considerable ammount of mana. The equips were focused in +Skill and +ManaPerKill.

For mercenary i choosed an Act
II Desert Combat Mercenary (Prayer aura = really less healing potions needed), to be replaced in Hell by an ActII Desert Defensive Mercenary (Holy Freeze = Slows = Monsters spend more time walking in the Firewalls).

The skill tree is obviously incomplete, but the idea is:
+20 Firewall
+20 FireMastery
+20 ThunderStorm
+20 Lightning mastery
+Left Warmth
Another usefull (and fun!) spell to spend some points would be teleport (only 1 point is needed, but the more points you put in it, the less mana it costs, so you can use more often).

domingo, 27 de fevereiro de 2011

Supreme Destiny / With Your Destiny [2]


Tanker Transknight

The tanker Transknight is a little bit boring to play all the time, but he is extremely necessary in all types of game (PVP, PVE, war), because he is the guy that will block the most part of attacks.


- High HP (hit points)


- Low MP (mana points)

- Low magic attack damage

- Medium attack damage

Status points:

Str: 1000 - 1200 – Used to equip the armors and weapons

Int: 5 – Increases skill damage and MP

Dex: 500 - 1000– Used to increases attack rate to weapons

Con: Full – Increases HP

Skills Points:

Weapon Mastery: Maximize third

Faith: Maximize first

Trans: Maximize second

Magic Weapon: Maximize on fourth


Get armor, helmet, legs and gloves with additional attack and defense, boots with increasing skill and defense. The weapon could be axes, dual weapon or weapon and shield with extra attack.